How Do You Edit Name on Facebook: A Step-by-Step Guide

Created 17 September, 2024
Facebook edit

Changing your name on Facebook can be necessary for various reasons: maybe you've gotten married, recently embraced a new nickname, or noticed an error in your current name. Facebook allows users to easily update their name with just a few clicks. However, it’s essential to follow certain rules, such as ensuring that the name adheres to Facebook’s community standards and avoiding too frequent changes. In this article, we’ll guide you on how to edit your name on Facebook, discuss common challenges users face, and share useful tips to ensure your name change process is smooth and efficient.

How to Change Your Name on Facebook: A Detailed Walkthrough

Changing your name on Facebook is simple, but you need to know where to go in the settings. Follow these steps to successfully update your profile name:

  • Log into Your Facebook Account: Start by accessing your Facebook account via the mobile app or web browser.
  • Access Account Settings: On the main screen, click on the arrow in the top-right corner (or tap the hamburger menu on mobile), then choose "Settings & Privacy."
  • Select Name Change Option: Under "Settings," click on "Personal Information," then select the "Name" option to edit your details.
  • Enter Your New Name: Type in your new first, middle (optional), and last name. Make sure it complies with Facebook’s naming policy.
  • Review and Confirm: After entering your new name, review the details and hit "Review Change." Finally, confirm your password to apply the update.

Name Change Limitations: Understanding Facebook’s Policies

Facebook places specific restrictions on how and when you can change your name. For example, you can only change your name once every 60 days, and the name must adhere to Facebook’s guidelines, which prohibit symbols, numbers, and certain phrases. Here’s a quick summary of the key policies:

  • 60-Day Rule: You can change your name only once within 60 days.
  • No Unusual Characters: Names with special characters, punctuation, or numbers are not allowed.
  • Appropriate Names Only: Facebook prohibits names that contain offensive words or impersonations.

These restrictions ensure that profiles remain authentic and avoid confusion or misuse.

What Happens After You Change Your Name on Facebook?

Once you’ve successfully changed your name, several things will occur:

  • Notification to Your Friends: Your updated name will be visible on your profile, and your friends will be notified of the change through their news feeds.
  • Consistency Across Platforms: The new name will be applied across Facebook, including Messenger, groups, and comments.
  • Potential Name Review: In some cases, Facebook might review your name change to ensure it complies with its policies. This review process can take up to 24 hours.

Keep in mind that while your new name is under review, your profile may display your old name.

Common Challenges When Changing Your Facebook Name

Even though changing your name on Facebook is straightforward, some users encounter problems during the process. Here are the most common issues and how to fix them:

  • Name Doesn’t Comply with Policies: If Facebook rejects your new name, it’s likely due to non-compliance with their naming standards. Ensure your name only contains letters and follows the guidelines.
  • Exceeded Name Change Limit: If you attempt to change your name more than once in 60 days, you will receive an error. You’ll have to wait out the time limit.
  • Account Security Issues: Sometimes, Facebook may lock name changes due to suspicious activity. Verify your identity if prompted to resolve this issue.

By following these tips, you can avoid or quickly resolve any problems.

Tips for Choosing an Appropriate Name on Facebook

Selecting a name for your Facebook profile is more important than it seems. It’s essential to choose a name that is not only easy to recognize but also professional if you're using your account for networking or business. Here are a few tips:

  • Use Your Real Name: Facebook encourages the use of your real name to maintain authenticity on the platform.
  • Avoid Nicknames or Aliases: While you can include a nickname, avoid using it as your full name unless it’s a common identifier for you.
  • Consistency Matters: If you're managing a business page, ensure that your personal profile name reflects your professional brand for easier recognition by clients or colleagues.

By following these tips, your Facebook profile will remain both personal and professional, depending on your needs.

facebook edit


Changing your name on Facebook is a simple yet important step in managing your online identity. Whether you're correcting a typo or reflecting a major life change, the process is quick and user-friendly as long as you adhere to Facebook's policies. Ensure that the name you choose is appropriate and consistent, especially if you use the platform for professional networking. Now that you know how to edit your name on Facebook, you can easily keep your profile up to date!

Yes, you can change your name on Facebook multiple times, but there is a limit: you can only change your name once every 60 days. This restriction is in place to prevent misuse of the name-changing feature.

If Facebook doesn’t allow your name change, it could be because the name doesn’t comply with their guidelines. Facebook has rules that prohibit the use of special characters, numbers, or offensive words. You can also be asked to provide documentation to verify your identity if there are issues with the name provided.

Yes, Facebook allows the use of nicknames, but it encourages you to use your real name as the primary name. You can include a nickname in parentheses or quotation marks next to your real name if it's a name you're widely known by.